Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Graphic Details: The Artists, Part 1

In exactly one month, Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women will be opening at the Gladstone Hotel. This travelling exhibition has received some great press - the links are available in this post - so I’m getting excited for its arrival. In the meantime, I’ve been reading up on some of the women who are a part of it. I decided first to look at the contributors living in Canada. Here’s what I learned.

Bernice Eisenstein
Eisenstein was born in 1949 in Toronto. Both of her parents were Holocaust survivors who met in Auschwitz and later immigrated to Canada. Her graphic novel, I Was A Child of Holocaust Survivors, explores her experience growing up knowing her parents’ past and how it influenced the relationship she had with them. While Eisenstein’s career has been in illustrating, she uses both drawing and writing in her graphic novel to share her intimate thoughts as she comes to terms with her parents’ experiences and the Holocaust. There is a lovely interview with Eisenstein about I Was A Child of Holocaust Survivors on the Pan Macmillan website.

Sarah Lazarovic
Lazarovic was born in Montreal and currently lives in Toronto. Lazarovic describes herself as a cartoonist, illustrator, and filmmaker, and is currently working on her first graphic novel, a memoir about growing up in Florida. Lazarovic has made many animated films which have appeared on CBC television, and is the creator of The Montrose Portrait Gallery of Canada. She also draws cartoons for the Ottawa Citizen, the Toronto Star, the National Post. Check out her most recent Post submission.

Miriam Libicki
Libicki was born in 1981 in Columbus, Ohio, and now lives in Vancouver. Miriam moved to Israel when she was 17 to serve in the army. Her comic book called jobnik! details her experiences in the Israeli army and is available on her website. When she’s not putting together the latest issue of jobnik!, Libicki works as an illustrator, and even teaches courses on comic books. Listen to Libicki talk about her work in this podcast from The Association of Jewish Libraries.

Watch for more information about our contributors to Graphic Details in the weeks to come and don’t forget to check out the Graphic Details blog!

Casandra Campbell

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